Internationaler Animationsfilm-Workshop in Polen – Bewerbung bis 22. Juni
Vom 7. bis 16. September 2018 findet im Künstlerdorf Lanckorona bei Krakau (Polen) die 26. Ausgabe des internationalen Animationsfilm-Workshops statt, den das Deutsche Institut für Animationsfilm (DIAF), der Verein der Animations- und Experimentalfilmschaffenden Krakau und die Akademie für Bildende Künste Krakau seit vielen Jahren gemeinsam veranstalten. Wir bieten drei jungen Animationstalenten aus Sachsen bzw. Mitteldeutschland die Möglichkeit der Teilnahme mit besonderer Förderung. Für die Geförderten fällt keine Workshop-Gebühr an.
Anforderungen: Erweiterte Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Animationstechniken und Filmgestaltung sind Voraussetzung für die Workshop-Teilnahme. Ein begonnenes oder abgeschlossenes Studium in den Bereichen Animation, Bildende Kunst oder Graphik- bzw. Mediendesign ist wünschenswert, aber nicht obligatorisch. Die Workshop-Sprache ist Englisch. Die Teilnahme ist für den gesamten Zeitraum verbindlich.
Bewerbungen mit Kurzvorstellung, Projektskizze und visuellen/filmischen Beispielen senden Sie bitte bis 22. Juni 2018 an
Workshop-Info (engl., pdf, 84 kB)
Bewerbungsformular (pdf, 60 kB), Bewerbungsformular (doc, 1,4 MB)
Die ausgewählten Projekte werden Anfang Juli bekanntgegeben.
Datenschutzhinweise: Die Erhebung und Verarbeitung der persönlichen Daten der Bewerber erfolgt ausschließlich zweckgebunden für das Auswahlverfahren und die Durchführung des Workshops. Die Daten werden nur so lange genutzt, wie es zur Erfüllung dieses Zweckes notwendig ist. Sollten Sie Fragen zur Erhebung, Verarbeitung oder Nutzung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten haben, Auskünfte wünschen, Ihre erteilte Einwilligung widerrufen oder Daten korrigieren/löschen wollen, wenden Sie sich bitte an Bitte beachten Sie auch die allgemeinen Datenschutzhinweise auf unserer Website.
Workshop info in English
XXVI edition of the International Animated Film Workshop will be held from 7th to 16th September. The practical part of the workshop will take place in the picturesque village of Lanckorona (approx. 25 km from Krakow). Some part of the workshop events will be held in Krakow.
During International Animated Film Workshop in Krakow/Lanckorona animators will work on concepts for their films and implement them under the guidance of Polish and foreign film experts. The workshops are directed mainly to artists and students preparing to start their careers. During the Workshop they will be working on their debut films, producing film excerpts and developing their professional skills and knowledge of the latest film technologies. The workshop is also intended for artists dealing with other mediums: painting, sculpture, graphics, etc. The workshops support the artistic and professional development and establish friendly environment for preparation and implementation of projects as well as initiate production and distribution. Many videos initiated at the Workshop are presented and awarded at different international film festivals.
Since the very beginning workshops are conducted by Jerzy Kucia – animation filmmaker, winner of numerous international awards and author of many initiatives in this field. There already have been 25 editions of the Workshop, which was attended by participants from over one hundred countries.
Every year foreign and Polish artists, educators and professionals are invited as teachers, lecturers and special guests to share their knowledge and present their achievements. In previous editions the Workshop hosted among others:
Otto Alder, Gil Alkabetz, Ernst Ansorge, Giannalberto Bendazzi, Frank Braun, Mariola Brillowska, Suzanne Buchan, Andrzej Chrzanowski, Oksana Czerkasowa, Jean Marie Demeyer, Borivoj Dovnikovic, Piotr Dumała, Paul Driessen, André Eckardt, David Ehrlich, Hedda Gehm, Witold Giersz, Marcin Giżycki, Andreas Hykade Piotr Kamler, Mirosław Kijowicz, Ralf Kukula, Anri Kulev, Gillian Lacey, Caroline Leaf, Jan Lenica, Claude Luyet, Josko Marusic, Andrzej Orzechowski, Christine Panushka, Izabela Plucińska, Bretislav Pojar, Jonas Raeber, Nadja Rademacher, Marjut Rimminen, Otto Sacher, Marek Serafiński, Nicole Salomon, Sabine Scholze, Georges Schwizgebel, Raoul Servais, Hubert Sielecki, Roze Stiebra, Daniel Szczechura, Gabor T. Steisinger, Agnieszka Taborska, Zbigniew Żmudzki.
For last year edition were invited the following guests, filmmakers and lecturers: Otto Alder, Jerzy Kalina, Anzhelika Dementyeva, Agnieszka Taborska, Zdzisław Kudła, Michał Krajczok.
The International Animated Film Workshop offers:
– opportunity of work and skills development for 14 people;
– 10 days of intensive work on your own film concepts, screenplay, your own tools of expression or the implementation of film texts and fragments of film under the guidance of experienced and professional artists and educators, assisting in the artistic and technical aspects;
– participation in lectures and discussions about the artistic and technical aspects of animation as well as the history and theory of animated film;
– participation in the film projections, retrospective screenings and exhibitions – there will be hardware with software and photographic sets/camera recording stations to produce films for participants to use and also basic materials for animated films production.
Participation in the Workshop is free but participants must pay himself/herself the cost of travel, accommodation and meals.
The condition of participation is being present during the entire duration of the Workshop.
The workshops are conducted in Polish and English.
The list of participants of the Workshop will be established through a competition: from the submitted applications the most interesting and promising projects will be selected.
If you are interested in participating in the XXVI edition of the International Animated Film Workshop, please fill in the registration form (download here: pdf | doc) and send it by e-mail to
The application form includes:
- Personal and contact information (name, date of birth, citizenship, address, e-mail, phone number and consent for processing personal data for the purposes of recruitment process).
- Curriculum Vitae containing a description of previous experience with film animation or other disciplines of art.
- Description of the project on which the participant would like to work during the workshop.
- In attachment: previous video works, drawings, photographs, etc.
The application deadline 22nd June 2018.
A list of participants will be announced on 30th June 2018.
The workshop takes place from 7th to 16th September 2018.
Phone number/contact
in matters regarding organization please contact by e-mail:
Stowarzyszenie Twórców Filmu Animowanego Eksperymentalnego i Video Studio A
Data protection
I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2016, item 922 as amended.